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College News
New Clubs at SMC
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New Clubs at SMC

March 11, 2014

This semester, SMC foundations students have had a different spin put on their Thursday routine: instead of the customary weekly, one-hour assembly in the MPH, each student has chosen two activities to participate in over the next 8 weeks. These activities include a variety of sports including volleyball, basketball, swimming, squash and football as well as some creative arts activities like photography and poetry. Academic subjects weren’t forgotten either, with the students able to choose to develop their Maths and English skills. Almost every foundation teacher is leading a club with the help of the students themselves. SMC has always focused on building relationships with our students outside the classroom and this initiative along with others should help to increase the already high student retention rates at the college.

Students that commit to participating in these activities for the full 8 weeks will be offered the opportunity to attend a ‘Wadi Adventure’ overnight camp, where they will take part in a variety of activities including high ropes and surfing, as well as leadership and ‘brain training’.

The activities offered are intended to help build well-rounded individuals and reinforce the key skills needed not only in academic life, but also as part of everyday life. The Foundations’ team hopes that this initiative will also encourage students to step up as leaders and run the clubs themselves next semester, thereby helping to foster the leadership skills expected of Sharjah Men’s College students.

Charlotte Dymond

March 11, 2014
College News
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