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Technology Archives - Foundations Newsletter

An Innovation Venture!

on March 24, 2018
Innovation Month! Come February and the mental swing toward radical or incremental changes is very much palpable around our campus.  This, after all, is Innovation Month!  Along my principle of “l...

How to use google: Basi...

on January 7, 2018
Using google to look for something can be considered an e-survival skill, on which our internet usage heavily depends. And, although our students are mostly internet-savvy, many of them do not know a...

How to make the most of...

on December 3, 2017
LinkedIn, as you know, is a professional network where users create accounts to share their resumes and connect with other professionals and colleagues. You can say it is a professional version of ...

5 reasons to use Class ...

on December 1, 2017
In a previous post, we talked about OneNote Class Notebooks in general and how you can set one up for your classes. After using it for two cycles, I don’t think I can run my classes without C...

Edtech Tips: Typing Ski...

on October 26, 2017
Now that our students use their laptops in class, typing has become an important skill that we need to introduce in class. Otherwise, we end up with many students taking ages to just type in their ...

The iPad: Uses, Challen...

on October 9, 2017
Introduction  This article is a very brief summary of my Doctor of Education (EdD) thesis that I submitted to the University of Exeter, England in 2016. The thesis was the result of a study I had con...