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Sebah Al-Ali

Sebah Al-Ali

An ESL lecturer whose experience in programming and web development has made her passionate about integrating technology in her classes. She’s mainly interested in how technology can be efficiently utilized to facilitate active learning, develop interactive curriculum, and train teachers.

Articles by Sebah Al-Ali

Do Nows

on April 2, 2018
It could be difficult to get students ready for a difficult lesson or to any kind of lesson at 8. They need some kind of warm-up to get their brains/moods tuned right before you start your lesson. T...

“Before you feel ...

on April 1, 2018
If you’re on Facebook, you must have seen this video on your timeline. But, even if you did, this video is worth watching again. On Facebook, it was viewed 70+ million times in less than two da...

New learning habits?

on January 7, 2018
After a long break like this one, most of our students will need some time to get into “the mood”, if you know what I mean. It could be frustrating, but on the bright side, it could al...

How to use google: Basi...

on January 7, 2018
Using google to look for something can be considered an e-survival skill, on which our internet usage heavily depends. And, although our students are mostly internet-savvy, many of them do not know a...

A Connected Curriculum ...

on January 5, 2018
In a world that is rapidly changing in often unpredictable ways, it is important for teachers to be aware of new teaching and learning trends happening around the world. By trends, I do not mean e-too...

Innovation Starter Kit:...

on January 5, 2018
Sharjah Women’s College an “innovation hour” activity a few weeks ago. Our students had one hour to think of a problem and try to think of an innovation to fix this problem. It seems...