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David May

Articles by David May

Mentoring Colleagues

on March 11, 2014
This semester I’m supporting two colleagues who are new to being Course Team Leaders. It has made me wonder – does this kind of help count as ‘mentoring’?  So, I’ve taken a look at reso...

Protein Tips

on March 11, 2014
More Protein Often when it comes to building muscle many believe that protein is the way forward. However,  while this is true it’s not just about eating a 16oz steak every day. Protein is used to ...

Now ‘Learning by Doin...

on March 11, 2014
A Snapshot of Sharjah Men’s College’ is a short video produced by Foundation Level 3 student Tareq Abdelqader Mohamad (H00272016). Tareq directed, produced and published his short film which premi...

Rowing at SMC

on March 11, 2014
We’ve had quite a busy season thus far having competed at a national level in the two 40’ Abu Dhabi races and two 30’ Dubai races.  Our next major race is on 24 April when we row against the ot...

New Clubs at SMC

on March 11, 2014
This semester, SMC foundations students have had a different spin put on their Thursday routine: instead of the customary weekly, one-hour assembly in the MPH, each student has chosen two activities t...

A Brief Look at the SAM...

on March 11, 2014
When iPads were first introduced at HCT, Foundations faculty wondered how iPad lessons would work.  We wanted to support learning in a way that used the iPads’ capabilities but didn’t want the te...