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Meet the Teacher
AAMC Meet the Teacher: Robert Loxton

AAMC Meet the Teacher: Robert Loxton

March 11, 2014

Robert Loxton

 My name is Robert Loxton. I am from Cardiff in Wales and an English teacher at HCT Al Ain Colleges. I am currently Academic Coordinator for Foundations Levels 1 and 2. I previously worked at HCT Sharjah Colleges for six years and have just completed six years at Al Ain Colleges.

I have worked in France, Italy, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the UAE. My English language teaching experience in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait was mainly in the military, the civil service and the oil industry.

I have a post-graduate diploma in TEFL from the University of Reading, UK, a post-graduate diploma in ELT Management from the University of Surrey, UK, and a Master’s degree in Education from the University of Southern Queensland, Australia.

Besides teaching, my interests include singing bass with the Dubai Singers and the Al Ain Choral Society, as well as playing clarinet with the recently formed Al Ain Chamber Orchestra.

You can watch Robert’s interview below:



March 11, 2014
Meet the Teacher
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