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Teaching & Learning
5 Free Online Dictionaries

5 Free Online Dictionaries

December 8, 2014

Many of our students’ first instinct is to check google translate for meanings of words, phrases, and even worse: sentences and paragraphs. It could be helpful if we train them to utilize a few user-friendly online dictionaries that can give them what they need to learn new words.

To show how you each dictionary is different, the same word will be used as an example of a word entry in the dictionary, “happy” (: 


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1. Cambridge Dictionary

This is my FAVORITE online dictionary for many reasons. First, as a teacher, it gives me each word’s CFR level (A1, A2, etc.), and it provides examples of most words used in context. For students, it is very helpful because it gives them an opportunity to hear the word (UK and US pronunciation), and if they choose the Arabic-English dictionary option, they also get an accurate translation for each word!

Learner’s Dictionary link:

Arabic-English dictionary:

Example: happy (learner’s dictionary), happy (Arabic-English entry)



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2. Merriam-Webster

This is another comprehsnive dictionary. Each entry includes the pronunciation of a word, idioms or phrases associated with the word, meanings, and then it offers a number of sentences to show how the word can be used in different contexts. It also offers synonyms, antonyms and rhymes!

The dictionary also has a variety of activities and tests:

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Example: happy



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3. Collins Dictionary

Like previous dictionaries, when you search for a word in this dictionary, you will be given its pronunciation, part(s) of speech, meaning(s), origins, derived forms, synonyms, and antonyms. But this one adds a few nice touches.

Collins will also give you a few quotes that contain the word and were said by famous people, and most interestingly: it will give you translations of the word in more than 20 languages with their pronunciations! Students will definitely enjoy looking up words if they got a chance to learn them in other languages

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Example: happy



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4. Macmillan Dictionary

In addition to listing basic information like: pronunciation, meanings, examples and phrases using the word. For basic words, Macmillan offers some metaphors and tips that might help learners better use the word.

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Example: happy



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5. OneLook

Finally, To search all previously mentioned dictionaries and more, you can use this website to give you links to your search term in about 30 online dictionaries or more!

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Example: happy


December 8, 2014
Teaching & Learning, Technology
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Sebah Al-Ali

An ESL lecturer whose experience in programming and web development has made her passionate about integrating technology in her classes. She’s mainly interested in how technology can be efficiently utilized to facilitate active learning, develop interactive curriculum, and train teachers.

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