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Teaching & Learning
New learning habits?

New learning habits?

January 7, 2018

After a long break like this one, most of our students will need some time to get into “the mood”, if you know what I mean. It could be frustrating, but on the bright side, it could also mean that we can start with them a clean slate? …Here are some ideas/resources to help with building new learning habits:


1 Start with Why

I’m sure you all heard about this best-selling book and know about the importance of starting with a clear why. Many of our students do not think about why they need to be in Foundations or why they need to learn English. ..Or they even need to actually study! It could be helpful to start your first week with a brainstorming session where students think about 5 reasons for them to learn English or be in level x and another one on what they need to pass this level.

I usually do this with my repeating students because they know what does NOT work; so it could help them to think seriously about changing their habits and start working harder. I have them do it in groups on A3 paper with colored markers and all. I use it, later, as a reminder when they start complaining or slacking off.


2 ESL Websites

One of the habits that you can get your students on is trying to learn English on their own using online resources. As I always tell my students, although we try our best, we won’t always be there with them when they see a difficult word or when they have a question about a certain structure. It is important that they learn how to find the information they need online.

I created this reference sheet (?) for my students to use as a starting point. I’ve only started using in cycle 2, so I’m still finding the most suitable way to integrate it, but some students found it useful.


click to enlarge



3 Habit Tracker

Our students often give up too soon because they do not see progress or how what they’re doing is actually helping them become better learners. It could be helpful to share with them a way to keep track of their new learning habits, with rewards to look forward to. I found this habit tracker .. somewhere (forgot). It’s visually appealing and can be easily marked/tracked. You can adapt it in different ways or use it as:


click to enlarge




January 7, 2018
Teaching & Learning
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Sebah Al-Ali

An ESL lecturer whose experience in programming and web development has made her passionate about integrating technology in her classes. She’s mainly interested in how technology can be efficiently utilized to facilitate active learning, develop interactive curriculum, and train teachers.

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