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When Impossible Becomes I’m Possible
Impossible Possible

When Impossible Becomes I’m Possible

September 24, 2014

Recently I had the pleasure of interviewing Farah Rashid Ghanem Ali Ghanem, my former Foundations  student, who is now a Bachelor of Arts student at Sharjah Women’s College.  Farah has been diagnosed with Scoliosis.

JM: When did you learn about your disability?

FARAH: My parents knew when I was 2.  I knew when I was 6—when  I went to  America for treatment

JM: What is your greatest strength?

FARAH:  My greatest strength is the ability to learn.  I love to learn different things.  I love to learn  by

doing—gaining skills through practice and real life experiences.

JM: Who is your hero?

FARAH: My hero is the director of my secondary school—Miss. Shaikhah Eisa.  I love her  because of her

ability to make me feel that  I could do anything if I tried.   She treated me just like any other student.

JM: Describe a difficult situation and how you overcame it.

FARAH: One of my teachers put me with a group of students  with disabilities.  Later I told her that

I am the same as any other student and that I did NOT want to be treated differently.  She respected my

wishes and treated me like everyone else.

JM: What are your goals for the future?

FARRAH: My goals are: (1) To end the idea that people with disabilities are limited, (2) To contribute significantly to my Emirati society and (3) To contribute directly to my major—graphic design.

September 24, 2014
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