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Zondle for reviewing just about anything!

Zondle for reviewing just about anything!

September 24, 2014

You may or may not have heard of the app Zondle from previous HCT conferences about Mobile Learning.  It’s a great tool for reviewing concepts that you have taught in previous lessons.  With many similar sites, usually you have to create your own quizzes.  However, with Zondle, you can utilize the expertise of multiple contributors.  It’s basically a repository for created quizzes on various topics, including ESL.  You can create a class by going on the website and assign topics to the class.   Of course you can contribute quizzes as well.

Zondle can perhaps add a motivational factor to revision by adding a gaming dimension.  Students are rewarded after each correct question with a game, which they have chosen to play.

Getting Started

If you want to get students started using this app, you will need to visit the website  You need to register yourself as a teacher and agree to the terms of service.


And you are done!  Next you will need to get students to download the app from the App store and enter the class code.

And that’s it.  You now have a new tool for revision, or a warmer in your lesson.  Happy ‘Zondling!’

September 24, 2014
iPads, Lesson Plans & Ideas, Software & Apps, Teaching & Learning, Technology
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