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Meet the Teacher
Meet The Teacher: Aaron Matte

Meet The Teacher: Aaron Matte

October 1, 2014


For your enjoyment, here are some interesting tidbits about Aaron Matte from ADWC KCA. His lesson has also been featured in this month’s Newsletter.

  1. What was your first job? Coach
  2. What was your favorite teacher like? open, supportive and let us design our own way of doing things…
  3. What’s your favorite beverage? iced tea
  4. What’s your favorite sport/team/ athlete? Hockey
  5. What is your dream car? I don’t dream about cars.
  6. Where is your favorite place to travel? Why? Nepal; the natural beauty is awesome… almost as beautiful as Canada…
  7. Camping or hotel? Why? Camping the first night, then a hotel the next to get a shower and a good night sleep… repeat…
  8. At 9PM, you’ll most likely find me… putting toys away
  9. My favorite childhood toy was… a hockey stick
  10. What do you enjoy most about teaching at HCT?   HCT uses current teaching/learning technologies and I think they are empowering and exciting!
October 1, 2014
Meet the Teacher
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