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College News
Mother’s Day Honors For Two Foundations Teachers

Mother’s Day Honors For Two Foundations Teachers

March 23, 2015


On the Monday before midterms, two Foundations teachers were asked by their students to go to a Mother’s Day celebration in the auditorium. Having received no email communication about the event, and wanting to do final prep with their students, they both refused. But the young ladies persisted. With a mischievious twinkle in their eyes, they promised it would only be a few minutes, so their teachers hesitantly agreed to “run them” down to the auditorium.  They arrived to find a special awards ceremony in honor of teachers who represented Mother-like qualities in the classroom. There were flowers, music, live performances from local elementary school kids, and an award presentation. Sarah Guite and Melissa Crown were equally surprised and honored by the thoughtfulness of their ADWC Foundations students and the Student Council which organized the event. Sarah could be heard telling her students, “Wow, I had no idea! Thank you ladies.”  Melissa had to say thank you AND apologize to her students, because she almost didn’t let them go.

March 23, 2015
College News