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Meet the Teacher
Meet Anthony Martin of DMC
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Meet Anthony Martin of DMC

May 19, 2014

Anthony Martin @ DMC

Anthony Martin started teaching English in Mexico in 1995. Other countries where Anthony has taught are El Salvador, Japan, and Thailand. He has taught at DMC since 2004. His Master’s Thesis at the School for international Training in Brattleboro, Vermont, USA, focused on using visuals in teaching. This follows on from his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the University of Massachusetts, USA. He enjoys the creative use of words/images/sounds, and he is a father of two.

His main teaching interests are motivating students to reclaim their natural curiosity…and moving the balance back from technology/assessment to a focus on ideas and critical thinking. A lot of the content from his teaching materials comes from scanned/recorded student work. With the start of each new semester, such work must be repeated. Other listening/visual materials have often been the result of edited work in Sound Forge and Photoshop. However, some of this is now being done in iPad apps like GarageBand and iMovie. While the technology is necessary for the creation of these materials, the focus is almost always on the ideas. For example, as students listen to a classmate’s recorded 2-minute speech, they must answer questions like the following: “Which three places did the student speak about?” and “How many times did the student say “yanni?”

Perhaps more interesting for this article’s audience are videos like the one that Anthony intends as an invitation to join him in his weekly walk around Mushrif Park. This video brought about a very successful field trip to Mushrif Park with level 1 students in mid-April.

May 19, 2014
Meet the Teacher