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Foundations Football in Dubai

Foundations Football in Dubai

June 2, 2014

Football cup

After an overwhelming response from Foundations students to take part in (and win!) the DMC Olympic Day event in March, the team wanted to create an opportunity for all students to have their chance to play the most popular of sports. As a result, April and May saw the inaugural running of the DMC Foundations Football Cup.

13 sections took part in the 4 week tournament which was held during the morning break. Matches were so popular with the lads that the event managed to solve an eternal problem in our morning schedules: How to keep the students on campus during their one hour break?

Class F3 from Level 3 were the deserving winners of an event that gave everyone in the team a boost when the weeks seemed to be going by slowly. It’s certainly something we’ll be running again next year.

Phil Lodge

June 2, 2014
Sports News
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