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Lesson Plans & Ideas
How To “How To”

How To “How To”

November 5, 2014



This Learning By Doing  project plan is for Level 1 students. Brought to you by KCW College’s featured teacher this month, Lucy Czesak. Attached is the lesson plan and a sample video.

“What I like most about the ‘How To LBD’ is that it’s concrete, which is very important with level 1 students. It also gives them an opportunity to share a personal interest or have a little fun.”

Lesson Outline

You know how to do something, and you will explain step by step how to do it!

  • Project is worth: 5% of your total course grade.
  • This is an individual project. You may work together to help each other with filming.
  • You will write step by step how to do something, then video record your voice and hands completing the chosen project.
  • You will have three days to prepare, and two days (if necessary) of sharing.

Think of anything that you know how to do. Here are some ideas:

Henna            Painting         Applying make-up             Cooking (recipe)     SewingCrafts             Drawing        Painting Nails                       BakingMaking Coffee or Tea       Fixing Hair                            Sports

Gardening    Photography           Playing an instrument

More ideas: ______________________________________________


The Project has Two Parts:

Writing – You will write out step by step how to do something. Plan on your writing being at least 120 words and typed in Pages. You will upload your writing to a Box folder given by your teacher. Use sequencing words to help order your writing like:

First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth….Also, Then, Next, After, Finally…

Presentation – You will take a video of your hands completing the project and your voice speaking the steps.  You and your partner will help each other to film the project. Your video should be at least 1-2 minutes long. Remember to practice carefully before you complete the video.


Suggested Schedule

Day 1: Project is assigned. Students and teacher go over an example. Students get together and decide on what their topic will be. Students begin taking notes on what the steps are in their project. Teacher helps students with language and ideas.

Day 2:  This is the day to complete writing your step by step directions. Have your classmates and teacher check your work. Begin practicing speaking your directions. Practice using your technology for the final filming.

Day 3:  Final preparation day. You may use the quiet rooms at the library to video your segment, or any other way to finally prepare. Finalize your writing and submit it to the BOX folder given to you by the teacher.

Day 4:  Show your Video. You will get points for being a good audience for the other classmates. This means do not leave the classroom when the others are presenting and do not talk or use your phone/ipad.

Day 5:  Finish showing videos if necessary.



November 5, 2014
Lesson Plans & Ideas, Teaching & Learning