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Teaching & Learning Archives - Page 20 of 25 - Foundations Newsletter

Foundations Level 2: We...

on January 6, 2015
On November 5 I gave a presentation entitled “Foundations Level 2: Weebly Websites. What’s new?” The presentation introduced the four Weebly sites I have created during the past twelve months, w...

An update on Foundation...

on December 17, 2014
The pedagogy of Foundations Math has changed enormously with the introduction of ALEKS as the key resource for teaching and learning. Foundations Math has made a major leap forward in mobile learning....

An End-of-Semester Proj...

on December 17, 2014
Reflection is an important final step to any learning process. By thinking about what a learner has gained, s/he actually might have a chance to retain that information and appreciate the time/effort...

To lead the team or not...

on December 16, 2014
That was the question when my Chair asked me to lead Level 3 this semester. I never thought I would be in such a position, but I am happy with it. When my Chair  asked to be a team leader, I....

“This will revolu...

on December 11, 2014
There has been a lot of discussion about the role technology, teachers, and students play in a learning process, and whether or not any of these elements can or will be replaced. A lot of these ta...


on December 10, 2014
Almost everything has changed with technology, but what about our ABCs? Why should i still stand for an igloo when it can stand for an iPad or an iPhone? David Freiman creatively introduced a new set...