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Using a BookWidgets activity to make speaking fun

Using a BookWidgets activity to make speaking fun

February 22, 2017

Apparently it’s good to share and in that spirit I’d like to share with you an app that I’ve used to make a speaking practice activity more fun for the students. The aim of speaking practice in question, was to practice IELTS Part 2, the long turn.

task 1

The topic is standard fare for part 2 of the IELTS test and required the students to speak about a well-known person. In previous classes I had only focused on adjectives to describe people. However, I decided to try to make the activity a little more engaging by starting with a game.



The game involved students using BookWidgets to do series of simple jigsaws of well-known people. Fun, engaging and it provided an opportunity to elicit some relevant vocabulary prior to the speaking task.


Below are a few examples. Have a go, if you don’t know who the people are, ask a student!


February 22, 2017

Louise Robertson also wrote