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SMC Extra- Curricular Sporting Event

SMC Extra- Curricular Sporting Event

February 22, 2017

In Cycle 3 2017, the Foundations team at SMC began a series of extra-curricular sports events intended to get students enjoying the games facilities in the Sports Centre, and give them a break from their full study schedules. The event has been jointly organized by Tim from the Foundations team and Ciaran, Danah, George, and Hannah from the Sport Centre. They visited classes to promote the extra –curricular sports to the students; their aim is to get more students involved in using the sports facilities and interacting with other physically active people there.


Students first went in their levels to the Sports Centre to compete in teams in the following team sports: soccer, volleyball, table tennis and billiards. After the level heats the winners then joined the final inter-level competition held on January 25th.

The inter-level sports initiative was extremely popular with the students – who said they did not have enough time in their busy study schedules to either get into the gym, or to play sports; so, they really applauded the opportunity to take a break from classes and get some exercise. It was great fun for all participants and a good chance for students from different levels to enjoy being active and watch their friends competing together.


More sporting activities are planned for future Foundation Cycles; the Sports Centre staff are eager to have students engage in physically active events in different settings. The next event planned is a team raft building and floating task guaranteed to get everyone as active as possible in water!

Table tennis

February 22, 2017