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College News
Al Ain Women’s College Director welcomes students to Cycle 2 of the Foundations Intensive Programme

Al Ain Women’s College Director welcomes students to Cycle 2 of the Foundations Intensive Programme

November 10, 2015

Al Ain Women’s College Faculty of Foundations hosted a Foundations academic assembly on Tuesday 27th October 2015. This assembly was to welcome the students back to the second cycle of the one-year Foundations intensive programme and congratulate students in progressing to the next academic level.

Ms. Hamsa Saleh, College Director, delivered the opening address. Ms. Saleh emphasized the importance of making the most of their studies at Al Ain Women’s College and offered the students advice on how to achieve academic excellence by preparing adequately for their studies, staying focused, setting targets to succeed and managing their ti



The assemblies ended by wishing all the students success in their studies in cycle 2 and thanking the Foundations faculty for their professional commitment to their students’ achievements.

November 10, 2015
College News