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Conferences and Workshops
Huda Jamal: A TESOL Arabia Presenter
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Huda Jamal: A TESOL Arabia Presenter

March 23, 2014

Many of us look forward to attending conferences as they allow us to update our knowledge, share experiences and network with peers and colleagues.Last week I attended and presented at the 20th TESOL Conference in Dubai and it was a really positive experience. My presentation on ‘Mobile Technology in a Blended Environment’ was based on the argument that by adopting this type of environment, where learning-by-doing can be practiced extensively through the use of mobile technology, ESL learners are provided with an extensive toolbox to meet all language learning challenges.In my presentation I showcased some of the ‘best practice’ examples of how mobile technology and its devices can be used in a blended learning environment like HCT. The presentation was very positively received by my peers which included teachers, professors and college instructors who came from many different locations throughout the region including Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the 7 Emirates of the UAE.

One highlight was that many of those who attended were amazed and delighted with the advanced mobile learning that we are practicing in English Foundations at HCT. Many have requested more information regarding the practicalities of our endeavors.
From this experience I am further convinced that English

Foundations at the HCT is spearheading mobile learning and learning-by-doing, not just in the region, but worldwide. I believe that any teacher who is part of this academic institution should feel proud of their achievements. In addition, this experience has helped me realize how fortunate our students are to be taught by such qualified educators who are using the most up-to-date mobile technology to help students succeed.

Huda Jamal

March 23, 2014
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