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College News
Students of Math M020 & M010 study through ALEKS
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Students of Math M020 & M010 study through ALEKS

March 11, 2014


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ALEKS, Assessment and LEarning in Knowledge Spaces is a Web-based, artificially intelligent assessment and learning system. ALEKS uses adaptive questioning to quickly and accurately determine exactly what a student knows and doesn’t know in a course. ALEKS then instructs the student on the topics they are most ready to learn. As a student works through a course, ALEKS periodically reassesses the student to ensure that topics learned are also retained. ALEKS courses are very complete in their topic coverage and ALEKS avoids multiple-choice questions. A student who shows a high level of mastery of an ALEKS course will be successful in the actual course they are taking.

ALEKS “knows,” at each moment, with respect to each individual topic, whether each individual student has mastered that topic. If not, ALEKS knows whether the student is ready to learn the topic at that moment. ALEKS uses this knowledge to make learning more efficient and effective by continuously offering the student a selection of only the topics they are ready to learn right now. This builds student confidence and learning momentum.




March 11, 2014
College News