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College News
What’s been happening at Sharjah Women’s College?

What’s been happening at Sharjah Women’s College?

March 10, 2014

Foundations offices:

SWC Foundations faculty office area

SWC Foundations faculty office area

In the first semester, Foundations faculty were scattered around the colleges, some in  classrooms where their workstations had been re-assembled, some in the offices of other departments, while our dome was re-built. At the start of this semester, we moved back to find it much larger, and apparently emptier, than we remembered it.

Keep off the glass!

Keep off the glass!


We now have a wooden floor (not actually parquet, but let’s not quibble), with a row of glass-fronted offices and work-rooms / meeting rooms along one side. Unfortunately, the glass frontage is now deemed a safety hazard after one of our absent-minded colleagues walked into it nose-first, and it’s now tastefully decorated with emergency tape.

Sharjah is the Capital of Islamic Culture for 2014.

Sharjah Colleges will be celebrating the naming of Sharjah as Capital of Islamic Culture for 2014 by The Islamic Organisation for Education, Science and Culture. We have an almost-annual event previously called “Mosaic”, in which all departments devise lessons and activities around a theme, such as “The scientific mind”, and which takes over the Sports Hall for a huge exhibition featuring such creations as a 10-foot tall working model of a volcano. This year there will be an all-new event with the theme of “Sharjah as the Capital of Islamic Culture”.

Of course, it’s not the first time Sharjah has received this kind of honour: in 1998, UNESCO named Sharjah “Capital of Arab Culture”, which event is commemorated by this monument just outside the city.

Sharjah cultural capital monument

March 10, 2014
College News
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