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Effective Business Communication

Effective Business Communication

March 10, 2018

Communication is an exchange of messages between a sender and a receiver through a medium or channel of communication. The message is transmitted in the form of sounds, written words, images, video, spoken language or body language, such gestures, facial expressions and tone of voice. When message reaches the receiver, he or she decodes it and may decide to respond.


However, this transmission of messages is not always straightforward. While the receiver hears or sees the message, there are problems that may limit their ability to understand or assimilate it. These include the way the message is expressed, issues with the technology used, the receiver’s inability to process the message and a lack of common ground (e.g. cultural factors such as values, beliefs and language) between sender and receiver. When a common background is lacking, the people involved need to work extra hard to build a mutual understanding.


The following key principles of business communication will help get a message across to the receiver:


  • Understanding the Audience


  • It is important to understand and be aware of one’s audience. They are the people one talks and writes to. Therefore, the content and the mode of communication should be tailored to suit their nature. These include their interests and beliefs, background, roles and personalities. If one assumes that they share his or her views and back ground knowledge, the assumption may lead to misunderstandings. It is, therefore, important to prepare thoroughly before communicating with people one has just met and who may be from a different context. In this way, one can achieve their goal and enhance their business relationships.


  • Striving for Clarity


To be effective, one’s message must be clear. However, what is clear to the sender may not be to the receiver due to your different backgrounds. Therefore, it is advisable to adopt a standard way of writing a report, organizing a meeting or giving a presentation because this could greatly facilitate communication. When it comes to writing, following standard grammatical rules and terminology helps to create a message that is clear to the receiver.

  • Understanding the Context of Communication

When communicating for business purposes, there is the need for the sender to be aware of the culture of their organisation and that of each department or external organisation with which they communicate. Knowledge of the broader multicultural context of the audience is essential, too. Without this understanding, establishing a common ground and mutual understanding will not be achieved.


  • Having a Clear Purpose in Mind


The main reason to communicate in a business context is to achieve a specific purpose. It is, therefore, essential to know the goal of the communication and to ensure that the receiver understands it and carry out any action relating to it. One’s objective could be simply to inform, persuade or discuss. In some cases, however, the sender’s main objective is to build a good long-term relationship with a colleague or business partner. Regardless of the purpose of communication, the clearer the purpose to the sender, the easier it is for him or her to make it clear to their audience.

  • Selecting the Most Appropriate Medium 


  • Finally, for any communication to be effective, it has to be conveyed via the most appropriate medium that fits one’s purpose and context.



Word Count: 547

Barraq Ali

Foundations Program

Fujairah Men’s College

23 January 2018


March 10, 2018