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Story of A Breast Cancer Survivour

Story of A Breast Cancer Survivour

October 31, 2016

This month is a dedicated the awareness of Breast Cancer:

My Sister is one of the brave cancer survivor & this is her inspiring story:


On the 10th of August 2015, I was very happy preparing for the engagement of my son.

That day, I woke up in the morning and while I was lying on the bed, my hand touched my breast unconsciously. I felt a hard lump in the left breast. At once, I went to the hospital to see a doctor. After taking all of the various tests, sonar and mammogram, I was informed that I had breast cancer.


Initially it was a real shock for me and my family. We always hear about people who suffer from different kinds of diseases, but we never expect ourselves to suffer. But it is now a fact that we are one of those people, and we should always be accepting. For me, the most important thing is that I have  strong faith in God and believe that he will help me in getting better.


As everybody in the family was so busy and anxious to attend the engagement, I decided not to tell my son  until we finished the ceremony. He was shocked and visibly upset, but I calmed him down and told him that it is the will of God and we cannot go against destiny. I continued to read the Quran every night with a very strong belief that what God decides, indeed it will happen. The faith I have in God gave me tranquility and comfort, which stays with me till now.


I started my treatment. The doctor informed me that the treatment normally takes place in three stages. The first one was 17 sessions of chemotherapy, 6 every three weeks and 11 every week. Throughout this stage, I suffered from excruciating pain, yet I continued with my ordinary life. I was going to work regularly, cooking, and inviting people every Friday to my home, especially relatives because they were so worried about me. I was visiting my friends, shopping and going to restaurants. I should say that this illness ignited my energy.  My hair started to fall out because of the chemotherapy, but I remained positive. I was so enthusiastic to teach the students, and I even came many Saturdays’ to revise with them. I was smiling all the time and this helped my recovery a great deal.


The second stage was the operation. It was very easy if I compare it with the other two stages. 15% of my breast was removed. But the happiest moment was immediately after the operation, when I saw my students whom I taught 6 years ago, now university students. They came to visit me and cried alongside me offering me many kisses and endless support.


Nobody can imagine the feeling that I felt at that time. I was so happy. I forgot everything, and I tried to speak to them, but I was under the influence of the anesthetic. The third stage was 30 sessions of radiation; I used to go everyday for 20 minutes over one month, and it was an intense experience.


After finishing all theses stages with a positive spirit, the doctor informed me that I was completely cured, and he told me that the main reason for this is my positivity and faith in God. Now, I am taking smart injections. This kind of injection is to search only for the cancer cell and kill it. It is a prevention that lessens the chance of cancer to recur. I have finished 16 so far. I am also taking harmonic tablets for the next 5 years.


Although I was suffering from cancer which is life threatening, (as every body believes), for me, it was the happiest year in my life. I realized how much people who know me, love me and care about me. Everybody that I know supported me. I received calls from friends in different parts of the world expressing their willingness to help me by providing medicine or even talking with me to relieve me, but I was always telling them that what God wants would always happen. I am surrounded by love and care from family, friends, teachers and students who showed me and are still showing me all their love and support. This is my real treasure in life.


Though the experience is hard, I always look at situations positively. And the best part is receiving love of everyone I know which means that I was good with them through out my life and I am rewarded by support. I cannot finish my story without extending a big thanks to Miss Azza, (our Principal) for her continuous strong support. May God bless her always. I am also very grateful to every one in the school; the vice principal, my lead teacher, the rest of the teachers in ATHS, staff, students, security, and cleaners. Everyone helped me in her/his own way.


Finally, I am so grateful to my beloved sister Huda, my dear sons and daughters who suffered with me and were doing all what they could do to relieve me from pain.


In conclusion, I know that everyone thinks that cancer is a very serious and dangerous disease, but going through that experience, I should say that it is not dangerous any more especially if it is discovered in early stage, and if you follow the instructions of the doctor. As women we should look after ourselves, and raise awareness of breast cancer and go for routine inspections. There is support out there and it is nothing to be ashamed about.


Surround yourself with loving people; be positive all the time and the most important thing is to have a strong belief and faith in God Almighty.

October 31, 2016
Faculty Lounge

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