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College News
AAWC Trip to Theatre

AAWC Trip to Theatre

March 16, 2015

Two sections of Foundations Level 2 students from HCT-Al Ain Women’s College had the pleasure of attending a live theatrical production at the Al Ain Municipality Theatre on Thursday 12th March. They were accompanied by two faculty members, Lana Albardawil and Eden Brough.

The short but inspirational play, entitled ‘Where are the neighbors?’, was performed by a group of six hearing-impaired students from Sharjah City for Humanitarian Services and was presented as part of the Abu Dhabi Festival 2015 Community Programme in Al Ain.

Along with other groups of students from the local area, many of them hearing-impaired themselves, the AAWC students enjoyed the performances of the talented cast who used expressive mime to bring to life a story based on the novel ‘Strangers Don’t Drink Coffee’ by the Egyptian writer, Mahmoud Diab. Using an innovative combination of costumes, props, lighting and music, the story centres on a good man confronted by some of the negative ways that technology affects our lives, particularly in terms of human interaction.

Although, like their teachers, some of the students admitted to not fully understanding certain parts of the play, most found the trip to be an enjoyable and rewarding experience. One student commented that the costumes and lighting were particularly interesting, while another remarked on the positive feeling of sharing the experience with hearing-impaired audience members and the greater sense of community that this helped to develop.

The audience show their appreciation of a great performance

The audience show their appreciation of a great performance

A dramatic moment at the theatre

A dramatic moment at the theatre

March 16, 2015
College News
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