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DWC Foundations Student Launches Her Own Book!

DWC Foundations Student Launches Her Own Book!

January 22, 2015

DWC Foundations student Asma Al Marzooqi launched her first ever novel at the recent Sharjah Book Fair. Her novel, entitled “But I Moved On” ( و لكنني مضيت ), is one of reflections and feelings, inspired by her surroundings and experiences. Asma added: “I’m very glad to have published my own book, and without hope and trials it wouldn’t have been written.” The novel has been well-received, selling several hundred copies within the first two weeks. Chair of DWC Foundations department, Yvonne Johnson said: “This is a fantastic achievement for a Foundations student and will inspire other students to reach for the top.”

Asma Al Marzooqi

From left: Yvonne Johnson, (Foundations Chair, DWC), Asma Al Marzooqi, and Richard Peel (English Faculty, DWC).

January 22, 2015
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