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microsoft Archives - Foundations Newsletter

Edtech Tips: Setting up...

on September 5, 2017
As you probably know, OneNote is a commonly used software by many teachers to help organize their lessons. The beauty of it is that it’s available for both Macs and Windows, and any mobile devi...

Edtech Tips: Using Offi...

on August 26, 2017
As you all know, we no longer use iPads in our classrooms 😔. Instead, our students are expected to bring in their own laptops (or macbooks). To make your life easier, you should make use of Of...

Can emotions be quantif...

on November 15, 2015
What’s worse than not being able to sleep at night? Sleeping intermittently, because an inconsiderate neighbor’s tiny yet very loud dog is kept outside, barking all night…. with bre...

Microsoft Faculty Fello...

on May 11, 2014
On 7th April, Microsoft, in conjunction with the HCT- Ed Tech Team, certified 140 HCT Faculty and Staff as a ‘Microsoft Faculty Fellow’ at the Sharjah Men’s Campus. The certificates were signed ...