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learning Archives - Foundations Newsletter

Number Cruncher

on June 11, 2017
Marking listening exams can be demoralizing.  Our students often perform poorly on gapfill activities where they are required to add a number such as a price, a date or a percentage.  Teachers lamen...

Stop asking the questio...

on April 20, 2017
      Most often, teachers introduce a new topic in a class by asking questions. The learners will then be engaged in the process of finding the answers. However, some educators argue that flip...

Is it time to say farew...

on November 13, 2016
        A growing number of educators argue that the traditional learning approach that takes place inside the class, and is referred to as the “Brick and Mortar” class in which the teacher...

UKEd Magazine: Call for...

on May 30, 2015
UKEd Magazine is an open-access magazine that is issued every month covering a different theme. Although it is a new magazine (started Jan 2014), it’s already published 17 issues covering differ...

The Backwards Brain Bic...

on May 30, 2015
This is a video about learning how to ride a bicycle backwards. Wait. Don’t close the page yet. Although it might sound boring, believe me you will find this video enlightening, as the other 1....

“This will revolu...

on December 11, 2014
There has been a lot of discussion about the role technology, teachers, and students play in a learning process, and whether or not any of these elements can or will be replaced. A lot of these ta...
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