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January 2018

January 2018 - Foundations Newsletter

Effective Business Comm...

on January 23, 2018
Communication is an exchange of messages between a sender and a receiver through a medium or channel of communication. The message is transmitted in the form of sounds, written words, images, video, ...

New learning habits?

on January 7, 2018
After a long break like this one, most of our students will need some time to get into “the mood”, if you know what I mean. It could be frustrating, but on the bright side, it could al...

How to use google: Basi...

on January 7, 2018
Using google to look for something can be considered an e-survival skill, on which our internet usage heavily depends. And, although our students are mostly internet-savvy, many of them do not know a...

A Connected Curriculum ...

on January 5, 2018
In a world that is rapidly changing in often unpredictable ways, it is important for teachers to be aware of new teaching and learning trends happening around the world. By trends, I do not mean e-too...

Innovation Starter Kit:...

on January 5, 2018
Sharjah Women’s College an “innovation hour” activity a few weeks ago. Our students had one hour to think of a problem and try to think of an innovation to fix this problem. It seems...