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May 2016

May 2016 - Page 2 of 4 - Foundations Newsletter

Spelling Blues

on May 11, 2016
I have been teaching level 4 for the past two cycles and I struggle to improve the students’ spelling. Even though I stress how important spelling is in their IELTS exam, they still consistently spe...

Writing about a process...

on May 10, 2016
Many students entering level 4 of Foundations know that they might need to write about a chart or a table in Task 1 of their IELTS exam. Some of them also know that the question may be about a map....

Writing level 3 – Dev...

on May 10, 2016
One of the main obstacles for our students for their writing is thinking of reasons. Firstly, they need to be able to understand the question and then think of relevant topics that connect to the ques...

Cool Math Stuff on Soci...

on May 9, 2016
Social networks like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and You Tube have rapidly become a part of our students’ everyday lives. All the while we thought that our students were just too busy with ALEKS o...

Twitter as Continual Pr...

on May 9, 2016
Tweet, tweet, tweet! Travel the world and meet new and interesting people! Is this the Peace Corps? College Semester Abroad? The diplomatic corps? No, it’s Twitter, where the world comes to you onli...

Learning to Lean In

on May 8, 2016
Male and female learners may face dissimilar challenges in the classroom. While males may have a clear idea of what they want to study, and even where they expect to work upon graduation, students at ...