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Gerry Gibson

Articles by Gerry Gibson


on October 20, 2016
There are some great apps out there, Class Dojo being one that quickly pops to mind, that allow teachers to comment on various aspects of their students classroom performance, from attendance to acade...

Invigilation 101: Thoug...

on May 30, 2016
Having served all roles in the invigilation process over the past 9 nine years at HCT, I feel that I’ve got my head around the needs for creating an efficient and relatively painless invigilation ex...

Staying the Course in L...

on May 2, 2016
As I write, the first full year of the new Foundations FIP (Foundations Intensive Program) is nearing completion. Students who in Cycle 1 matriculated into FIP from high school at Levels 2 or higher a...