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writing Archives - Foundations Newsletter

Problems of Arab Learne...

on December 11, 2017
Many researchers have established that Arab learners of English face particular problems in speaking and writing. It must be remembered that these learners rarely if ever come into contact with Englis...

Film and writing

on March 1, 2017
An interesting way to motivate students to write is to use film. I have used film to encourage my students to write in different writing genres such as narrative and dialogue. They have written a jour...

Writing skills: Brainst...

on September 13, 2016
One of our students’ main problems in writing is their inability to generate solid ideas to support their essays in a short amount of time. We often see them struggle whenever we hand them a wr...

Writing on the Web

on January 26, 2015
One of the commonly faced challenges with iPads in our language classrooms is finding ways to suitably use iPads to facilitate and practice writing skills. In a previous post, we looked into ways to...

Foundations Level 2: We...

on January 6, 2015
On November 5 I gave a presentation entitled “Foundations Level 2: Weebly Websites. What’s new?” The presentation introduced the four Weebly sites I have created during the past twelve months, w...

iPad Tips: How to Type ...

on November 23, 2014
Typing on an iPad is one of the most common difficulties my new students usually face with iPads. Although they are familiar with iPads and heavily use them before joining HCT, they do not depend on t...
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