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success Archives - Foundations Newsletter

Motivating Math Student...

on September 26, 2016
Successfully completing the Math 2 ALEKS Pie can present a significant challenge for many of our students. Some become overwhelmed by the number and complexity of the topics: they become discouraged w...

“You want somethi...

on February 25, 2016
It’s cycle 4. Many of our returning students won’t be as enthusiastic as they were at the beginning of this academic semester, especially those repeating level 4 for I don’t know ho...

Failing Our Way to Succ...

on October 2, 2015
Have you ever witnessed a kid’s journey to take his or her first step? Do they ever get it right from the first or even tenth time? No, but with every failed attempt, they become more adamant. ...

Grit Scale: How Passion...

on May 16, 2015
It’s no surprise that this is one of Will Smith’s most famous scenes. It discusses a topic that we all relate to: setting goals and pursing them. After all, we all need a push every now ...