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questions Archives - Foundations Newsletter

No prep? No problem?

on May 2, 2016
Way back in the distant past, around the turn of the century, I did my DELTA part time at King’s College London. One of our tutors was John Shepheard, author of the Anti-Grammar Grammar Book (with N...

SoftChalk: Create Inter...

on March 26, 2015
As I pointed out in a previous post, for a while, I had thought that providing students with static PDF documents was an effective utilization of iPads in class. However, once I stumbled on SoftChal...

These are the Easiest a...

on March 11, 2014
Hello!  I’m Paul Barney, Coordinator of Test Development for the Foundations program, and in this space I’ll be taking you behind the curtain to look at the quantitative side of language learning...