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ipad tips

ipad tips Archives - Foundations Newsletter

iPad-friendly Materials...

on March 31, 2015
In a previous post, we discussed SoftChalk, a helpful e-authoring tool that allows you to create iPad-friendly activities. SoftChalk documents are automatically created to be responsive, that is, its...

Teaching with iPads 101

on March 23, 2015
When I first joined HCT, I thought to myself, “iPads in class? A piece of cake. I know how to use an iPad. How difficult can it be?” And for a semester, I fooled myself into believing tha...

iPad Tips: Reminder you...

on March 19, 2015
Reminder is one of iOS’ basic apps; it is meant to help you create basic to-do lists to remind of you of tasks that need to be done. Last semester, one of my students creatively used Reminder, a ba...

iPad Tips: Disable Noti...

on January 31, 2015
It is sometimes difficult to keep students engaged and on-task when they keep getting those  messages on top of their iPad screens notifying them of a new message on BBM, of a new follower on Instag...