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edtech tips

edtech tips Archives - Foundations Newsletter

5 reasons to use Class ...

on December 1, 2017
In a previous post, we talked about OneNote Class Notebooks in general and how you can set one up for your classes. After using it for two cycles, I don’t think I can run my classes without C...

Edtech Tips: Typing Ski...

on October 26, 2017
Now that our students use their laptops in class, typing has become an important skill that we need to introduce in class. Otherwise, we end up with many students taking ages to just type in their ...

Edtech Tips: Setting up...

on September 5, 2017
As you probably know, OneNote is a commonly used software by many teachers to help organize their lessons. The beauty of it is that it’s available for both Macs and Windows, and any mobile devi...

Edtech Tips: Using Offi...

on August 26, 2017
As you all know, we no longer use iPads in our classrooms 😔. Instead, our students are expected to bring in their own laptops (or macbooks). To make your life easier, you should make use of Of...

Edtech Tips: How to use...

on August 23, 2017
What is BookWidgets? BookWidgets is one of the well-known software that allow teachers to create interactive e-materials. It allows teachers to create different e-activities, such as interactive work...