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activities Archives - Foundations Newsletter

The Case for Extracurri...

on June 20, 2016
                                When I became a student in college, I did not know what my interests really were, a situation I see every day at SWC. Young adults usuall...

Goodbye, 2015: Class ac...

on December 24, 2015
2015 is almost done; it’s been a crazy year. A lot has happened in the UAE, around the world, online, and in our personal lives. It would a great class activity if we used this opportunity to e...

Superglued-to-phone syn...

on November 16, 2015
What’s the first thing you do when you’re waiting for something or someone all by yourself? Be honest, wouldn’t you reach to your pocket or purse and grab your phone? I know I would&...

SoftChalk: Create Inter...

on March 26, 2015
As I pointed out in a previous post, for a while, I had thought that providing students with static PDF documents was an effective utilization of iPads in class. However, once I stumbled on SoftChal...

5 Ways to Use Instagram...

on November 7, 2014
One of the first things a new faculty member will discover about our students is that they’re hooked on Instagram (and, until recently: Snapchat). They’re always checking their feeds and ...