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BlackBoard Archives - Foundations Newsletter

Film and writing

on March 1, 2017
An interesting way to motivate students to write is to use film. I have used film to encourage my students to write in different writing genres such as narrative and dialogue. They have written a jour...

Using MS Word and Respo...

on March 3, 2016
BlackBoard 9 is the HCT’s learning management system (LMS) that we all know and love.  It’s improved over the years and is generally stable. Everyone probably has their own issues with BB...

An End-of-Semester Proj...

on December 17, 2014
Reflection is an important final step to any learning process. By thinking about what a learner has gained, s/he actually might have a chance to retain that information and appreciate the time/effort...

iPads and BBLearn Assig...

on November 6, 2014
If you would like to know how to set up assignments in BBLearn so your students can submit their work from their iPads, then this 30-minute Webinar is for you. We will review the steps you need to tak...