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Akram Baddoura

Articles by Akram Baddoura

Challenges that English...

on January 28, 2016
A large number of students who are non-native speakers of English are expected to undertake the dual task of learning a new language and mathematics subject matter simultaneously.  Teachers of these ...

Socrates’ Ancient Tea...

on November 2, 2015
Does Socrates’ Ancient Method of Teaching still work in our times? The Socratic Method is over 2400 years old. It is a “student-centered approach that challenges learners to develop their critical...

Amazing Math….. Attit...

on January 7, 2015
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14....

Successful Students who...

on November 13, 2014
HCT FND students study a mathematics course named ALEKS, Assessment and LEarning in Knowledge Spaces. It is a Web-based, artificially intelligent assessment and learning system. In this almost self...

Learning Mathematics by...

on November 13, 2014
SWC Foundation students of Mathematics went out of classrooms to do a hands-on activity near the fountain pool inside the college campus. This experience came in alignment with the HCT philosophy of L...

Modern mathematics owes...

on May 21, 2014
  French Philosopher, Physicist and Mathematician Rene Descartes is best known for his ‘Cogito Ergo Sum’ philosophy, “I think, therefore I am”. The Frenchman, who lived 1596 to 1650, made...