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SJM Foundations Business Division Learning Center

SJM Foundations Business Division Learning Center

November 1, 2017

In the first week of Foundations cycle 2, SJM Business Division offered a Learning Center for students enrolled in Foundations Levels 3 and 4. The workshop was organized in the MPH by three members of the Business Department: Dennis Tan, John McKeown, and Samia Yakout.LC Business Studies Picture1

Students were split into teams of around 8 to 10 students, and they participated in 3 different activities. These were: the triangles puzzle, the football match, and the VAT survey. Each task was designed to give students an introduction to the kind of learning tasks they will be required to do on the Business Program.

The goal of the triangle puzzle was to solve the puzzle with the tools provided in as short a time frame as possible, and the activity was designed to promote team spirit, creativity, and innovation. The football match activity encouraged students to recognize how the business around a football team could promote different sources of revenue, as any business should be profitable. And finally, the VAT survey was designed to promote an awareness of surveys, their purpose, and how to carry out a survey on the Internet.

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This Learning Center workshop was well attended, with many students considering the SJM Business Program as their program choice when they graduate from Foundations. A huge thanks to Dennis, John and Samia for their hard work in planning and presenting such a successful event for the Foundations students, their time and enthusiasm was much appreciated.

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November 1, 2017
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