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Lighthouse “Manar Abdalla”

Lighthouse “Manar Abdalla”

May 24, 2017



The end of every voyage, is the start of a new adventure. At the end of the voyage we reach a point where the sight of a lighthouse is a sign of hope that we’ve reached a safe place of harbour from an uncertain and wary sea.

Here comes the story of Manar, which in the Arabic language is beautifully defined as lighthouse. A name was never more fitting a person than Manar Abdalla.

She has been a mother to our students, a sister, a friend, a colleague, a mentor and occasionally moonlighted as a psychiatrist. The fact is, being a lighthouse means she is a guiding light and beach front property, which makes her invaluable. 

Manar will be truly missed, and remembered even more in Sharjah Women’s. She has been a part of the success and joy of our students, faculty and people around her. Her work her at HCT inspired peace and harmony.

I’ve known Manar for a period of five years. Saying goodbye is difficult, but as I’ve learned from her the ability to turn any situation into a memorable learning experience, and to make it an important moment in my life.

You’ve been selfless, kind and so inspiring. It’s true that we are all sad that you are leaving Sharjah Women’s, but we are excited and happy about you starting a new chapter in life as ‘Grandma’.

Thank YOU Manar!! I admire you for your humbleness, your diligence, and your firm purpose. You have shown me how to be a better person, and for that I cannot thank you enough. I’m sure you will touch people’s lives and be a guiding light wherever you are Manar.

Till we meet again. You are always loved and will be missed here. :)


May 24, 2017