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Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day

April 20, 2017

I wrote this little poem for my children and my mother. I believe that every woman is a mother and mothers are gifts that we must appreciate, so I decided to send this little poem to my female colleagues and male colleagues who love their moms, wives and daughters.


Moms dayMy love for my Mom is

My love for my Mom is

As wide as the blue skies

As bright as the stars


I love my mother thrice

She is as sweet as vanilla ice

She is so beautiful as a flower in the eyes

She is so kind as an angel who flies


My mother is the air I breathe

She’s the infinite love I receive

She’s my shield from life’s grieves   

Indeed  paradise is beneath

 her feet


I am so happy when my mother smiles

She reminds me when the sun shines




April 20, 2017

Huda Jamal

Ms. Huda has a Master in English, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA. She is faculty at Abu Dhabi Women’s College, Abu Dhabi. Ms. Huda is interested in utilizing efficient tools and strategies to facilitate active learning in her classes. Mobile technology, language deconstruction and eportfolios are her major interests.

Huda Jamal also wrote