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Looking for a new e-tool? …here are 60 free ones! :)
Screen Shot 2016-05-09 at 8.56.18 AM

Looking for a new e-tool? …here are 60 free ones! :)

May 6, 2016

If you’re looking for a new app to try out in class, or if you just want to see what’s out there, the Global Digital Citizen Foundation shared 60 e-tools that are available for teachers to try out in class, for free.


A variety…

Some of them are subject-specific, like math and language. And some are just general tools that can be used by any kind of teacher. I’m sure that you’re are already familiar with many of them, like Quizlet, Kahoot, and Padlet. But there are many more tools.



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Blendspace Digital Library shares lesson plans and materials that are created by other teachers, about anything. They also have IELTS lesson plans! (an example) You can also create and share your own lessons.


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Newsela is also a student-friendly news website that shares articles of recent news, suitable for different language levels. (an example)


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Project Gutenberg is a great resource for free e-books. They have many categories, but our weak students can definitely utilize the children bookshelf for accessible readings (an example).



many many more can be found here: 


May 6, 2016
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Sebah Al-Ali

An ESL lecturer whose experience in programming and web development has made her passionate about integrating technology in her classes. She’s mainly interested in how technology can be efficiently utilized to facilitate active learning, develop interactive curriculum, and train teachers.

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