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Hurray for May!

Hurray for May!

May 2, 2016

The universal experience for educators: the last week of the cycle before finals. It feels like many of the students make a secret pact to boycott exam preparations.


Activities that are usually met with cooperation suddenly devolve into complaining and feet-dragging. With the up-tempo of the FIP cycles, it is easy to feel like the fellow on the right below:


teachers first and last

While May is a sight for sore eyes, we may need to spend a moment to re-center in the face of the fray. Here are so tips for surviving (and maybe even thriving) in the “wild rumpus”:


  1. Make a list of must-dos and get them taken care of as early as possible.  keep calm summer is coming
  2. Resist the desire to hide. Stay firm and don’t give up! Some students will rally when you encourage them. The more over-the-top your encouragement is, the more likely they are to give in and cooperate.
  3. Adjust your expectations. You will probably not accomplish the exam preparations you know the students need most. Try to offer students take-home materials and tips, and don’t let a lack of cooperation in class defeat you. Here’s a helpful mantra if you want to practice some mindful meditation:

Help me stay positive
no matter how they act
Let my emotions be calm
and my attitude intact.

  1. Support and encourage other teachers. Pay them a compliment, smile, greet them, offer sympathy. Even the best teachers need to feel that they are not alone in the wild rumpus!  If we stick together we can make it just a little longer, the last day of the term is just around the corner!



May 2, 2016