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Faculty Lounge
Failing Our Way to Success

Failing Our Way to Success

October 2, 2015

Have you ever witnessed a kid’s journey to take his or her first step? Do they ever get it right from the first or even tenth time? No, but with every failed attempt, they become more adamant. And the more they fall, the faster they reach their target: the first step.

It seems as though we are wired, as kids, to learn from our failures. But, how do we develop our fear of failure as we grow older? How does it become so wrong to fail that we stop even trying? Why do we lose that strive to learn from failure as we grow older?

Many of our students are daunted by the concept of failure, of making mistakes. That along with the possible giggles they could get from their classmates when a mistake is made can be have a detrimental effect on their learning. This is why it is very important that we discuss the concept of failure with our students every now and then to remind them that failing, or making mistakes, is only a stepping stone to success, given that we do not quit before we reach our goal.


One way to do so could be by playing this TEDx talk by Eduardo Zanatta. He creatively discusses the concept of failure and how it ultimately leads to success:



October 2, 2015
Faculty Lounge
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Sebah Al-Ali

An ESL lecturer whose experience in programming and web development has made her passionate about integrating technology in her classes. She’s mainly interested in how technology can be efficiently utilized to facilitate active learning, develop interactive curriculum, and train teachers.

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