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October 2015

October 2015 - Foundations Newsletter

Safe Searching in Class...

on October 31, 2015
Searching for information online has become a daily task that nearly nobody can escape. Whether it’s an address, a recipe, a lost synonym, or any puzzling question, Google (or other wannabe/usel...

Praising Students

on October 9, 2015
We all had that one student (at least) in class who is bright and can easily do all the work, but they’re just too lazy or too careless to do a thing. As a teacher, it could be frustrating to......

New Feature: Post Your ...

on October 4, 2015
The FNDS Newsletter is written by teachers for teachers, and to that end it is now possible for ANYBODY in FNDS to post an article! It is an easy process that doesn’t require a lot of time or ef...

iEducation?: Apple̵...

on October 3, 2015
Don’t you sometimes find yourself looking for a source of inspiration? For a creative lesson idea that you can use with your students? For ready materials that don’t need a lot of tweaking...

Failing Our Way to Succ...

on October 2, 2015
Have you ever witnessed a kid’s journey to take his or her first step? Do they ever get it right from the first or even tenth time? No, but with every failed attempt, they become more adamant. ...