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College News
Cultural Field Trip to Global Village

Cultural Field Trip to Global Village

May 27, 2015

DMC students from Pre-Foundations 2 and Level 2 classes ventured out of the classroom to explore different cultures at Global Village in Dubai. With iPad in hand, it was an enjoyable time of learning by doing as students took pictures and videos of Egyptian pyramids and Spanish castles. Tasting the flavors of exotic Thai fruits, smelling the unique fragrances of Malaysian incense, and watching a stunning Chinese acrobatic performance were among the many highlights. Students engaged with shopkeepers from the Africa village to ask about traditional musical instruments and their uses. Teachers experienced a cultural lesson as well, as students explained various aspects of their own history through items found in the UAE pavilion. It was a great time of non-stop learning and language practice that opened students’ minds to appreciate the myriad of cultures represented in Dubai.

Global Village

Global Village

Global Village

May 27, 2015
College News