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Survey results: Topics, sharing, and comments!
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Survey results: Topics, sharing, and comments!

February 18, 2015

As most of you might know, we sent out an electronic survey about a month ago asking for your feedback on the newsletter. Thanks to the generous 111 participants, we got some interesting results.


What do readers want to read about?

When asked about categories you’d like to read more about, the majority chose “teaching ideas and materials.” (Check this archive this kind of posts: Teaching and Learning)

Other categories ranked as follows: (click on a category’s name to view its archive)


Category Percentage Number
Teaching ideas and materials   79.82%  87
Professional development  63.30%  69
Technology (e.g., iPad apps, websites, etc.)  58.72%  64
News and updates  56.88%  62
Videos and tutorials  38.53%  42


When asked about additional categories they’d like to read more about, respondents listed a few interesting ideas, including:

  •  social posts (events, holiday destinations, faculty lives, etc.)
  • student achievements (success stories, student motivation, etc.)
  • research and professional development (MOOCs, how to research, etc.)

This means, that if you’re willing to share an article, you have a variety of topics to think about, and you’ll definitely find someone who’s interested!

If you have an idea but don’t know how to share it on the newsletter, you can email Rob Miles ( or Lorraine Doherty ( They’ll be more than glad to assist you or direct you to someone who can.


Sharing articles?

Another interesting finding is that most (67%) of those who responded to the survey stated that they only visit the newsletter when a link is shared. This means that when you share your articles on the newsletter, do share it with your colleagues and friends via email.

You can also share it via social media using the small share menu right under the title:

Sharing options on the newsletter



Can you comment? YES!

Also, many suggested allowing readers to interact with articles by posting comments to discuss ideas or share suggestions. The good news is: YOU CAN post comments to articles. With the current design and for security reasons, we’ve disabled comments for viewers who aren’t logged in. We will address this in our upcoming redesign, but until then, please watch this video to learn how to add comments:



Give it a try! (: .. Browse our archives, categories or authors and share your input.


February 18, 2015
News & Updates, Other
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Sebah Al-Ali

An ESL lecturer whose experience in programming and web development has made her passionate about integrating technology in her classes. She’s mainly interested in how technology can be efficiently utilized to facilitate active learning, develop interactive curriculum, and train teachers.

Sebah Al-Ali also wrote