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Curriculum & Materials
Games for Learning English
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Games for Learning English

January 11, 2015

Our students can spend up to 16 hours in classrooms learning English. It could get overwhelming if an element of fun and movement is not included in the process of learning. Games can help make learning more enjoyable.

Play-based learning helps kids focus on the task at hand rather than outside distractions. With games, kids can dive in and focus on problem-solving and other critical skills. —Yuval Kaminka


An Online Resource

There are a few books out there to help with that, one of which is “Activate: Games for Learning American English.” It is an interesting resource, which is available online. It covers a range of board games that can be used for learning purposes in language classrooms.

The resource introduces three kinds of games: Board games, picture this, and guess what. Each category lists 10 games. Each game is presented with all its materials, and a few possible variations are offered. These games can be quite useful for the first week of class when students (or their iPads) are not all in, or when students need a change of pace.


An Example: About Me

One of the board games introduced in the book is about me. This game can be nicely introduced and used as an ice breaker with our new classes. The book explains that this game can help students use English to express opinions and preferences. Authors offer instructions, cues to help students get started, and a board that goes with it.

About me: Instructions

About me: Instructions


About me: Cues

About me: Cues


About me: Board

About me: Board


They finally introduce some interesting variations that can be used for students who already know each other.

About me: Variations




To check other games and download the book, you can find different versions of it at:

For other useful language learning/teaching resources and ideas, visit the website itself: 


January 11, 2015
Curriculum & Materials
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Sebah Al-Ali

An ESL lecturer whose experience in programming and web development has made her passionate about integrating technology in her classes. She’s mainly interested in how technology can be efficiently utilized to facilitate active learning, develop interactive curriculum, and train teachers.

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