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Teaching & Learning
Know your limits – Part 3

Know your limits – Part 3

December 9, 2014

treesThis article is the third and final in a series of articles designed to help Foundations teachers identify (though NOT diagnose) and share with their supervisor and specialists on their HCT campus possible special educational needs (SENs) their students are having in class. This article provides a brief overview of visual impairment and hearing impairment.

Visual impairment is a learning disorder in which severe problems with sight adversely impact a student’s ability to learn. A checklist for visual impairment would include the following indicators:

  • Often becomes irritable when asked to read
  • Squints or closes one eye when reading
  • Moves/shakes the book when reading
  • Finds copying from the board difficult
  • Has difficulty trying to scan a page that has a lot of writing

Hearing impairment is a learning disorder in which severe problems with hearing adversely impact a student’s ability to learn. A checklist for hearing impairment would include the following indicators:

  • Needs to concentrate on the teachers mouth to understand language
  • Shows unusually high levels of frustration in class
  • Shows an inability to follow what the teacher is saying
  • Doesn’t understand verbal instructions or cues
  • Shows an increased reliance on peers for understanding instructions

Finally, if you think a student might have a SEN, it’s very important not to jump to conclusions . Teachers need to be careful not to label and diagnose students. Always, first seek the counsel of your supervisor & specialists here at the college regarding any of your special needs students.

December 9, 2014
Teaching & Learning