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Successful Students who made an early Exit of ALEKS FND Mathematics

Successful Students who made an early Exit of ALEKS FND Mathematics

November 13, 2014

HCT FND students study a mathematics course named ALEKS, Assessment and LEarning in Knowledge Spaces. It is a Web-based, artificially intelligent assessment and learning system. In this almost self-taught course, the teacher plays a combined role of teacher/facilitator at the same time. ALEKS uses adaptive questioning to quickly and accurately determine exactly what a student knows and doesn’t know in a course. ALEKS “knows,” at each moment, with respect to each individual topic, whether each individual student has mastered that topic.

ALEKS record


ALEKS periodically assesses the student to ensure that topics learned are also retained. A student who shows a high level of mastery of an ALEKS course will be successful in the actual course she/he is taking. Students who master 90% or more of the topics, and pass an assigned college exam, can exit the course at any time of the semester. They do not have to wait until the end of the semester. The following students have already succeeded and met the requirements to exit earlier than the rest:

SWC      Math 1: 35 students;       Math 2: 11 students

SMC      Math 2: 3 students

One of those successful early- exit students was Fatima Ibrahim Ali Hassan Almaazmi. She was asked about her successful experience and here is what she has said:

“I was hoping to finish the course at an early stage. I was studying Math at the rate of 5 hours per day. At the beginning things seemed to be so difficult but then, with the help of my teacher, I started to realize that I can make it and pass quickly. This pace course has helped me to know how to learn by myself, and to ask my teacher for help whenever necessary. I enjoyed the challenge and was determined to make it. I was so relieved and felt happy when I passed, and I would encourage my class mates to do the same”.

Akram Baddoura

Mathematics Faculty-SWC


November 13, 2014
Assessments, College News, Software & Apps
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